Overnight Accommodations for Families & Student Supporters

Hotel Accommodations

The following hotels are recommended by Orientation & Transition Experiences:

Graduate Minneapolis logo

Graduate Minneapolis (on-campus hotel)

www.graduateminneapolis.com | 612-379-8888
Get the University of Minnesota discount by using the following link to make your reservation: UMOGRAD

Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Minneapolis

Courtyard Marriot

www.marriott.com | 877-699-3216
Courtyard is offering parents and guests a discount of 25% off of the regular rate + discounted parking + 2 Light Rail Transit passes per day. You can book with the discount by using the link above or by calling and referencing the Orientation & Transition Experiences rate.

Residence Hall Accommodations

On-campus space is available in Yudof Hall (summer Orientation only). The cost is $39 per night (including tax) and check-in will take place after 3 p.m. on the day of your stay.
This option is not available after August 21, 2024.

Register for On-Campus Accommodations 
When you register for on-campus accommodations, you may be prompted to create an Iris account.