Class of 2028

Creating your first year at the U of M is typically a fun and chaotic adventure. At times you may feel like you are alone in your transition, however there are many ways you will have shared ups and downs with other new students. Make the most of your college experience by engaging in our first-year programs. These activities are open to all first-year students.

Connect with Us!

OTE has created the Official Class of 2028 Facebook group just for your class and we hope you will use it as a space to connect with other incoming first-year students. If you have questions, let us know at [email protected]. Only confirmed freshmen in the Class of 2028 will be allowed to join.

To learn more about our office and upcoming events, follow us on Instagram @oteumn.


Email us at [email protected] or call us at 612-624-1979.

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Class of 2028 Newsletters

The Class of 2028 Newsletter is sent through email to first-year students throughout the academic year. The newsletter content includes items pertinent to the success and wellbeing of first-year students. Content addresses developmental needs and time-sensitive materials relevant to a seamless transition to the U. 

Submit Content for the Newsletters

2023-24 First Year Newsletter Archive


At Home in MN

At Home in MN is a program that provides out-of-state students with the opportunity to explore Minnesota events and culture, connect with other out-of-state students, and receive additional support in the transition. 

Each semester there will be a series of events and workshops you can attend. Out-of-state students will receive emails inviting them to these events throughout the year.

Learn more


The At Home in MN Living Learning Community (LLC) is a community within Territorial Hall that gives eligible first-year, out-of-state students the option to live together in a dedicated area of the hall. 

This House is located in Territorial Hall, which is conveniently located in the Superblock. Only incoming first-year students who live within the United States, but outside of Minnesota, are eligible to apply for the At Home in MN Living Learning Community.  Join At Home in MN to enhance your transition to the U! To apply, you must submit a Housing application.

If you have any questions, please contact Orientation & Transition Experiences at [email protected] or 612-624-1979

Freshman Seminars

Freshman Seminars are designed specifically to enhance the first-year experience, and a great way for new students to start their university career. Each seminar is taught by a faculty member and is limited to 20 students. Freshman Seminars allow first-year students to interact in a smaller setting, connect with a faculty member, and become involved in a unique area of study. Freshman seminars are offered both fall and spring semesters.

Learn more

FYE Events

Connect with your classmates at First-Year Experience Events! You can view upcoming events from your FYE Events Transitions Hub.

FYE Events Transition Hub

Prize Winners - PLEASE READ

Prize winners, please read:
The value of any prize (gift cards, merchandise, cash, etc...) you may win at any University of Minnesota event will be reported to the financial aid office per Federal law. 
Please take this into consideration and please read below for more information.
Orientation & Transition Experiences offers dozens of student events every year, many with great prizes. But it's up to each student to understand that these prizes are considered income under Federal law, so winnings must be reported. You are under no obligation to accept any prize you may win, and can refuse it if you think it may affect your financial aid.
The Office of Student Finance will be informed of all non-service-related payments, stipends, or gifts a registered student receives. The Office of Student Finance must be provided the information because it determines whether a payment or stipend impacts a student's financial aid package.
For details on how winning a prize may affect your financial aid, please check here: