Academic Tips

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Academic Tools

Plan your Classes

Use the Graduation Planner to map out your entire course plan.

Improve your GPA

Use the GPA Calculator to figure out how to bring up those first-year grades or maintain your GPA.

Study Spots

Study on Campus

Visit the library or find a spot to study on campus using the Study Space Finder.

Find a Coffee Shop Off-Campus

Check out this list of the best places to study in Minneapolis or St. Paul!

Academic Support

Develop Good Study and Time Management Skills

Check out these online resources from the Tutoring & Academic Success Center (TASC) and Effective U.

Utilize Peer Tutors

Located in Walter, Wilson, and Magrath Libraries, SMART Learning Commons lets you study with a peer, ask other students about research tips, learn how to use different media, or spend some time with a peer tutor.

Get Writing Assistance

The people at the Student Writing Support can help you develop your ideas clearly and outline your paper in the way that makes the most sense. You can go meet with someone in Nicholson Hall, Appleby Hall, or set up an online consultation!

Learning Abroad

Consider an International Experience!

Learning abroad is an amazing opportunity for all students and can influence your career and post-graduation plans. Visit the Learning Abroad Center today to talk with an advisor about choosing the right program for you, how it might connect with your major, and how you can afford to have an international experience.


Hang out with Faculty

During the second year, you should be getting to know some faculty. Check out these tips on visiting your faculty’s office hours.

Take your professor to lunch and the U pays! All you need is 3-7 classmates from a current course of 30+ students.